
Monday, July 5, 2010

The Future of the "Gods" of Energy

"...Prometheus was sorry for mankind and he went to Zeus and asked him if he might have some sacred fire for his poor creatures.
But Zeus said no, fire belonged to the gods alone.
Prometheus could not bear to see his people suffer and he decided to steal fire, though he knew that Zeus would punish him severely. No longer did men shiver in the cold of the night, and the beasts feared the light of fire and did not dare attack them...."
Every time I remember this myth of ancient antiquity I can't help but think that as mankind developed and society evolved we have been duped into giving away fire to the "gods". We renounced that which was rightfully ours, everyone's, and we placed it in the hands of "divine" few. Now, the superstitions of old have long ago lost existential significance and bear little more than a multitude of metaphors and morals, however, it is these insights which hold true even to this day.
Long ago Prometheus stole fire from the gods because he could not bare seeing the suffering of humanity. Our ancestors used fire to achieve incredible things and to lead the world into a better tomorrow. This is not a historical discussion, all I am saying is that in the millennia before us mankind survived and grew. We created the world of science fiction in which we live today, however instead of finding salvation in the technology which we developed, we only find restraint. Special interests and profit seeking enterprises, as amazing as they were in bringing society this far, are being revealed as an obstacle of exploitation and scarcity.
There will never be a world without hunger and disease, a world with abundant clean and free energy for all, a sustainable society worthy of our dreams of the 21st century until we take out the principle of scarcity from the developmental equation.
The fire of the gods is now converted to electricity which is priced for profits, not for availability. Humanity possesses the know-how to change this, but the "gods" of today will not allow a modern Prometheus to rise to the occasion and deliver us from the hopeless desperation which is imposed over us.
If you gave this post the benefit of a doubt and you've reached this far along, it is clear to you by now that this "us" which I am constantly using comes naturally to me. The nation states of the past century are slowly dying and those in power are willing to stake the survival of humanity in order to preserve these derelict ideas of division. We are one world, one spirit, not only in the nonsensical new age hippy phrases we see in rallies and concerts but in the substantial simplicity of our hope for a better future for us and those we love. No-one can convince me that there is a group of people somewhere in the word which do not want too see their children grow up and work for a better tomorrow. No matter how fanatical or crazy misguided individuals might seem the truth remains that they became like that from our collective failure to take matters into our own hands and share the knowledge which gives us the lives we live.
And that is the main point of this blog, sharing the knowledge. We do not need philosophical ramblings like the one in the paragraph above about ideological adequacy or conservative values, but rather practical solutions to practical problems shared between individuals of all areas of science, engineering you name it.
Going back to Prometheus I would like to make a final point, it took a son of a god to give humanity fire the first time around and he paid a terrible price for his benevolence. Be this a mere myth it is clear to me that one person can not make a difference in the world of today if she/he is acting alone. This is why I will make an attempt to share everything I find that can help a family or a community, an individual or a city, to establish their independence from the grid, to seek development without profit, to live of the land which is home. to help unite the world by dividing the power and also the responsibility. Let us become our own Gods.

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